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Summer Blood Drive

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THANK YOU to those who were able to donate at our Summer Blood Drive! We ended up with 9 first time donors, and 35 units of blood total – that’s a great turnout! Be on the lookout, as we hope to host another drive here at Woodland this December.

Join us for our Summer Blood Drive, put on by American Red Cross!

Summer is a lower donation time because of vacations and the beautiful weather. Sign up and help save lives at this critical time!

When: July 15 from 11am-5pm
Where: Woodland Hills
How: Click below to sign up on the Red Cross website. In the red “Find a Blood Drive” box in the upper right corner, use the sponsor code: Woodland Hills


If you are unable to join our blood drive, still let us know if you’re donating and furthering the cause wherever you’re at!

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