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Standing Free Class Registration

Thanks for your interest in our Standing Free online class!
We’re sorry, but the class has reached its limit of participants.

If you’d like to be put on a waiting list, click below. We’ll let you know if a spot opens up!

Standing Free waiting list

This class is an introduction to the theme of spiritual warfare in the Bible and to the reality and nature of evil spirits and fallen world systems that oppose God, his people, and his Kingdom. Participants will learn about their spiritual position and authority in Christ, about the strategies of the enemy, and about basic truths, skills and practices to resist and stand firm against spiritual attacks of every kind.

Join us for this live online course open to Sustainers and Covenant Partners!
Six weeks starting Tuesday, April 14 from 7:30-9pm Central Standard Time.

Information about how to connect to the class will be provided prior to the first session.


"For so many years, I have been blessed by your music ministry. It takes me to a place that evokes so many emotions and feelings: gratefulness; honor; love; joy; hope; peace; strength. My heart feels connected to the heart of God over and over again as we worship together."

– WH Attender