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Glimpses of Truth

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The Old Testament depicts the people of God as stubborn, unfaithful, and ignorant about what God is really like. Yet, the Spirit of God worked in their hearts to reveal as much of his true character as possible. So, despite their overall misunderstanding, they sometimes got “glimpses of truth.” In this series, we will explore the most significant ways that the Spirit broke through in the Old Testament to give God’s people revelations of his true character and will.

Our Glimpses of Truth sermon series runs from April 22 through May 28. We hope you will join us!

Sermons in this series will be posted here.

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska