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Hurricane Harvey Relief

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A number of people have asked for recommendations about where to direct donations to help with Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The scale of devastation and turmoil is difficult to comprehend; FEMA officials have estimated that 450,000 people will need emergency assistance.

As Kingdom people, we want to sacrificially help those who are suffering and in need. Most of us won’t be able to travel to Texas to serve people directly, but we can offer financial assistance. We have relationships with a number of organizations who have teams in Texas; please consider donating to their relief funds:


One thought on “Hurricane Harvey Relief

  1. Ted says:

    I was moved by the devastation of Harvey. I had been considering checking into volunteering with the Mennonite Disaster Service for a few years. With Harvey, I decided to pull the trigger. I am currently in training with MDS to be a Crew Leader on their disaster sites. The relief work for Harvey and Irma is only in its infancy so I will be joining a project already in progress until the Hurricane work opens up. If anyone would like to talk to me about getting involved, please comment on this blog post and we will find a way to get together.

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