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Introducing: Theology & Things!

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Curiosity may have killed the cat, but at Woodland, curiosity has brought us a wonderful array of questions.

Through dozens of Q&A sessions and hundreds of emails, you’ve asked us everything from: “How do we know we’re forgiven?” and “Why did Jesus tell his disciples to buy swords?” to “What is original sin?” and “Does the Bible really mention unicorns?”

Janice Rohling, our Executive Pastor, had an idea for all these questions. She says, “Paul Eddy and Greg Boyd have been answering questions about theology and life for years, and countless people have benefitted from it. We thought it would be helpful to edit the content for a general audience and get it out into the world.” And so Theology & Things, an online library of questions and answers, was born.

Most of this library originates from the email archive of Paul Eddy, our Theological Resource Pastor, who has been answering your questions for many years. Paul says, “One of the things I most appreciate about the Woodland Hills community is that we emphasize that our internal picture of God really matters for our relationship with God. And one of the main influences on our picture of God is our theology about God. I am excited that ‘Theology & Things’ will be a resource for helping people to become clearer and clearer about our Jesus-looking God!”

And we’re just getting started – this resource will continue to grow as we work our way through many more questions.

We hope this library spurs us on in our efforts to “learn to love together!” Now, without further ado: Theology & Things. wh-bug

2 thoughts on “Introducing: Theology & Things!

  1. Gene & Patty says:

    This new resource will be a bountiful help to refer to even though we may have attended many Q&A’s previously. One of the things we love about Woodland Hill’s. Thank you for the thoughtfulness!

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