Our Summer Get-Together is coming up, August 9-11! Get all the details!

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Rick’s Route: Volunteering with Open Arms

On Sundays, hundreds of people come in and out of Door A at Woodland Hills, but on Wednesdays, it’s a small band of people sitting outside the doors laughing and chatting. These are the volunteer drivers for Open Arms of Minnesota. Read More 

Sacred Settlement Grand Opening

In 2018, we began a partnership with Settled, an organization addressing long-term homelessness by creating tiny home communities called Sacred Settlements. And now, cue the champagne, because Settled has officially opened the first Sacred Settlement!  Read More 

Open Arms

Open Arms of Minnesota is a nonprofit organization that prepares and delivers nourishing meals free of charge to critically ill Minnesotans and their loved ones. Woodland Hills is a hub for volunteer drivers who meet each Wednesday at 11:30, to collect food and run delivery routes on the East side. If you would like to volunteer as a driver, contact … Read More 

Partner Profile: Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter

We value our onsite partners and the ways they serve our community, so we wanted to introduce you to one of them—and share how we can learn from their example. Coordinated Access to Housing and Shelter (CAHS) is a partner organization assisting families experiencing homelessness in Ramsey County. Read More 

Blanket Drive

Catholic Charities Housing Stability Division, one of our on-site partners, is also involved with an emergency shelter for families experiencing homelessness. Each family member who comes to the shelter is provided with a blanket, and currently these are in very short supply. Our goal is to collect 100 new, full-size blankets/quilts in two weeks – and we did it, thanks to you! Read More 

Tiny Home Update: Common House

It’s been a minute since we gave you an update on Settled and the tiny home project, so here’s the latest! (If you need to get caught up on what this partnership is all about, you can do so here.) Read More 


Making Space

The Warehouse Edition WE MADE OUR GOAL! We’ve surpassed our goal of $65,000 with a total of $82,420! Thank you so much for your generous contributions! If you haven’t yet, read below to learn more about this project. You probably know that Apple and Microsoft started off in garages, but did you know that our partner organization Settled started their … Read More 

Come and See: Sacred Settlement Tours!

For years we’ve followed the work of our partner organization, Settled, and their creative vision for addressing chronic homelessness with small communities of tiny homes. Now, in Woodland’s back parking lot, there’s something brand new to see: the nation’s very first Sacred Settlement model, a collection of five tiny homes. Read More 

Saying “YES” to Loving our Neighbors

As Kingdom people, we get countless opportunities to join with the Spirit to change the world. Since 2018, we’ve been partnering with Settled in their work to develop Sacred Settlements of tiny homes to welcome the most despised, unloved and unwanted outcasts of society into a loving, supportive community. But we’re not the only ones! In the past three years, … Read More 

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"I was incredibly blessed by everyone who came out to the clean-up event to serve neighborhood seniors. It literally brought me to tears knowing that there are amazing people out there restoring my hope in what it means to love and serve each other."

– Merrick Community Services staff member