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Youth (Echo)

“Echo” is what we call our youth ministry, where students are invited into the beautiful life that God intended for us.

Below is a list of resources on our web site related this ministry. Feel free to use the filter checkboxes to narrow your search and easily find what you are looking for.

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Echo: Reverb

An opportunity for Echo students to gather for worship, student-led learning, and donuts! Read More 

Echo Lake Fest Photo Recap

The kids in our youth ministry, Echo, look like they had a blast at Lake Fest last week! They hung out together on the beach, ate pizza and snacks, played volleyball and swam. Read More 

Music Fest 2023 Photos

Music Fest 2023 was a blast! We enjoyed a solo acoustic set from Zuriel Adam, a duo jazzy set from J Squared and ended with some rockin’ hits from Not Dead Yet! We enjoyed grilled food and Nelson’s Ice Cream, bubbles and sidewalk chalk, bean bag toss and sunshine — not to mention lots of dancing! 🎶 Read More 

Echo Summer Retreat 2023

Over the weekend of June 9-11, the Echo kids (our 7th-12th grade ministry) went on their annual Summer Retreat to Camp JIM! Check out the photo gallery… Read More 

4-D Love: Ways to Get Involved

During the Panel Discussion on September 11, Rob, Shawna and Greg talked about the importance of community, and love in four dimensions (love for God, love for self, love for others and love for creation). One major way we can get love all of these things more is through community. Below is a list of the ways you can get involved here within the Woodland community! Read More 

Echo Catalyst Retreat Photo Gallery

Earlier this month, the student leaders of Echo, known as Catalysts, went on their Summer Catalyst Retreat! They reported having a blast goofing around, and growing in their relationships with God and each other. Read More 

Music Fest 2022

It’s that time of the year again! We’re bringing back Music Fest – and this year, it’s part our Summer Get-Together which will be a whole weekend of fun! Music Fest will be on Saturday, August 13 from 5-8pm right on Woodland’s front lawn. We’ll have live music, fun for kids and a food truck! Read More 

Echo Summer Retreat Photos

On June 3-5, the kids in Echo went on their annual summer retreat – and it sure looks like the weekend had a splashing impact on them!
Check out some of the fun… Read More 

Staying Connected

As we head into new seasons, we recognize how important it is to stay connected and grow alongside others. We hope you take advantage of our mix of in-person and online ministries that aim to help us all learn and grow together! Read More 

EchOlympics 2021

Back at it again! Echo held their annual EchOlympics competition with the Blue Room vs. the Red Room in an epic quest for glory and the prized EchOlympics trophy. Read More 

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"It's been so supportive to have a journey group leader since 7th grade that I have made a lasting relationship with for 6 years. She has helped me grow in my faith and has been there to check in!"

– Laura, high school student