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EchOlympics 2023

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Our youth ministry, Echo, had their annual EchOlympics last week!

EchOlympics is an epic night where teams red and blue face off in six different events to see which team will win the EchOlympics trophy this year! The events included speed eating, sled racing, super smash bros, ping pong, suit up, and noodle hockey. This year, the red team took the victory over the blue team. 🏆 Check out some photos below!

2 thoughts on “EchOlympics 2023

  1. Todd says:

    Super cool youth group you guys! I’d love to learn more about it, and even though I’m a irregular visitor, be able to invite youth in the community to check it out!

    1. Emily says:

      Hi Todd,
      That’s great! Feel free to email Daniel (dchurchill@whchurch.org) or Emily (ehall@whchurch.org) for more info!
      —Emily from Communications Team

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