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New Series: The Wrath of the Lamb

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Join us as we continue through the book of Revelation!

Revelation 6 introduces us to the infamous four horsemen of the apocalypse. Their arrival exposes the truth about evil, which God responds to with his redemptive judgment. Talking about the judgment of God may leave us squirming in our seats, but God’s judgment is what brings justice and what sets the world right. From Abel’s murder to today, the blood of innocent victims cries out for justice. If love wins in the end–which it does–then justice must also win! Join us as we challenge our ideas about God’s wrath and discover the redemptive nature of his judgment.

The Unveiling, part four: The Wrath of the Lamb starts this Sunday, September 29. Join us at church or online, both at 10am CT. 

Consider joining a Sermon Discussion Group for this series! Sundays at 9am, starting Oct 6 (coffee + donut holes included), or Mondays at 6:30pm, starting Sept 30 (coffee + cookies included). No sign up necessary. Learn more here.

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"I was incredibly blessed by everyone who came out to the clean-up event to serve neighborhood seniors. It literally brought me to tears knowing that there are amazing people out there restoring my hope in what it means to love and serve each other."

– Merrick Community Services staff member