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Cross Centered

The violence in the Old Testament is a huge barrier to people understanding the true character of God. Jesus most perfectly represents what God is like, but how can we imagine Jesus doing some of the nasty things in the Old Testament? Greg, our senior pastor, has spent nearly a decade wrestling with this dilemma and wrote a book about … Read More 

4 Kids!

Starting May 29th, the majority of Heroes Gate school year volunteers will take a well deserved summer break. That means there are 14 Sundays of summer where we’ll need volunteers! We have 4 age groups available: Infants, Toddlers, Preschool and Elementary. No experience needed, no preparation and you won’t have to teach. Consider serving 4 Sundays (or more) this summer … Read More 

Ash Wednesday Service

We are gathering together on Ash Wednesday, March 1 to focus on the sacrifice of Jesus. Together we will prepare for Easter through a community meal, worship and interactive stations designed for 5 years and up. Dinner is at 6:15 and the interactive service starts at 7:00. All are welcome! Contact Joshua at jdery@whchurch.org.

Project Home

We will be hosting Project Home again during the months of March and April, and we need your help welcoming families for the night! Project Home provides overnight shelter for families who are temporarily without housing when the Family Service Center Shelter in Maplewood is at capacity. Woodland Hills has been honored to act as a Project Home site over the years. We … Read More 

Night of Worship

Join us on Friday, February 17 at 7pm for a night filled with praise, worship and prayer. Members of the WH worship team will lead us in an extended time of worship together. Following the service we will have a time of fellowship and refreshments in the Gathering Area. Questions? Contact Becky at bcote@whchurch.org.


So many of us are overwhelmed by things that keep us from living the life God wants for us. We struggle with things like fear, insecurity, addictions, rejection, lack of trust, and unforgiveness. But through the power of the Spirit and with help from others, we can tear down these strongholds. It requires the hard work of retraining our thoughts … Read More 

Men’s and Women’s Workshops

Woodland Hills will be hosting two separate workshops for men and women in February! The workshops will be gathering on Friday, February 24 from 7-9pm, and on Saturday, February 25th from 9am-4pm. The men’s event will be based on the work of John Eldridge and his Wild at Heart material. The women’s event will be based on the work of … Read More 

Parent Night Out

Parents, take the night off knowing your children are having a great time! Parent Night Out is on Tuesday, February 14 from 6:00-9:00pm here at the church. Heroes Gate staff and volunteers will provide fun activities, a movie, crafts and a light snack for children ages birth through 5th grade. Free if children are preregistered before February 8th, otherwise $10 per … Read More 


We are entrusted with time, talents, and money, and it’s critical that we use them wisely. In the Kingdom of God, we all have the responsibility to be intentional, generous, gracious and trusting with these precious resources. They’re the means we have to achieve our mission to love and serve the world! Our Entrusted sermon series runs from January 8 … Read More 

Making Space 2016

UPDATE 1/15/2017: We are VERY happy to report that we have made our goal of $190,000! A huge thank you to everyone who chipped in to help with this big project. We are absolutely thrilled. Spend a little less on Christmas… It’s become a tradition at Woodland Hills to think about the Christmas season a little differently. Instead of getting too … Read More 

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"Thank you for this ministry! It has transformed my life in some really radical ways. God has broken down so many barriers and exposed so many lies that have taken some serious burdens from my heart. It has given me hope, freedom and purpose I never could have imagined possible."

– Jenny, from Wisconsin