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Photo Scavenger Hunt

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Scavenger Hunt Fun!

At Music Fest this year, we’re planning a family-friendly photo scavenger hunt! Get your phones ready to capture the fun, and participate in our two contests:

Family Contest

Each of the items in the scavenger hunt will be easy pictures for kids and families to capture. All kids who participate will win prizes, and families will be entered in a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card!

Scavenger Hunt List!

Shutterbug Contest

Are you good at capturing great photos? If so, the Shutterbug part of our scavenger hunt is for you! The best image of each item in the scavenger hunt (decided by staff) will also go into a drawing to win a $50 Amazon gift card.

Scavenger Hunt List!

Music Fest will have lots going on! We hope you and your family can make it – and are willing to help us capture the fun in photos. Just stop by the Welcome Tent on Saturday, August 10 for details about how to participate. Music Fest runs from 5:30-8pm.

See you there!

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"We have been podrishioners for several months. Our daughter, son-in-law and grandkids moved back to California after living in MN for 10 years. They attended Woodland Hills for about a year before they moved. Now we all go to the beach together on Thursdays, come home and have dinner together, then we watch last Sunday’s sermon together. It is a special day for our family."

– Dale and Patricia, from California