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A King-Centered Covenant

• Greg Boyd

This week Greg goes through the covenant God made with king David, and touches on some of the foundational beliefs of Woodland Hills involving finding security only from Jesus instead of human kings, and how God always finds a way to bring beauty out of our sins. wh-bug

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Topics: Covenant, Forgiveness, Nationalism, Transformation

Sermon Series: Long Story Short

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4 thoughts on “A King-Centered Covenant

  1. Ken Revell says:

    I appreciate it Greg‘s message. Extremely provocative and thought-provoking particular this one looks at the relationship between Christians and government . The one statement the church should not be the handmaiden of the state certainly caught my attention. But the question does raise the question is to such thing as a Christian soldier, a Christian policeman, a Christian politician, a Christian border patrol agent . Greg makes a good argument but I’m not sure how to make all the pieces fit in a pragmatic way. I am now motivated to buy his book the myth of a Christian nation. But I am curious as to if some kind of a question and answer session could be conducted just to help All of us who struggles with these concepts very very deeply.

    1. Charley Swanson says:

      Hi Ken,

      It’s quite old at this point, but we did host a Q&A on this topic way back in 2006. You can download and listen to the audio here:

      Hope it’s helpful!

  2. Ken Revell says:

    Charley, thank you for sharing Greg previous thoughts and sermons along this line of the creative tension between government and the kingdom of God . As a retired Army chaplain these messages help me to put the pieces together in a way that makes sense.

    1. Charley Swanson says:

      Glad it was helpful, Ken!

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