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Topic: Covenant

The Bride Says “Yes” to the Dress

What is the endgame of all of Scripture? Since the Book of Revelation points to this endgame, it is crucial that we step back and look at the big picture of God’s purpose. This sermon answers this question by highlighting the goal of the preparation of the bride (God’s people) to be wed to the groom (Christ).

The Saturation Point

We are told that we are blessed if we hear and keep the words of Revelation. These words will challenge the norms of the culture that shape us, which means that we must be open to ways that we don’t know we are deceived. But even more than hearing, we must practice keeping these words, internalizing them in such a … Read More 

The Way of the Beloved Community

In this section of Scripture we’re in, Jesus explains the difference between what people of his day assumed the Old Testament law meant and what it really means. He’s making clear the underlying spirit of the law, as opposed to the literal interpretation that focuses on the letter of the law. This points to a “third way” pattern of living … Read More 

The Woe Road

In Luke’s version of the Sermon on the Mount, he includes Jesus’ teaching on those who have embraced idols and are not blessed as they are on the path of woe. This sermon addresses what these “woes” mean and how we can fight against the woe road.

Your People Will Be My People

The book of Ruth speaks to our deep desires for faithful living, along with specific issues regarding faithfulness in the midst of the struggles of the pandemic. In this sermon, we hear the call to faithfulness and explore what it means.

The Coin (Easter 2020)

Love, not death, should have the last word. When you love someone, you come to know how much infinite worth they have. The idea that all that they are just ends with death doesn’t seem right. Something in the core of our being says, “NO.” That gut intuition is a faint echo of the heart of God.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

God created us to live in love for others, however, we fall short of this reality. In this sermon, David explores three barriers to loving others: religion, political affiliations and hurry. Addressing these three barriers will not only change your experience of love with others, but also it will change how you love God.

Barriers to Love

In this sermon, Shawna sits down with Kevin as he explains, more in depth, Attachment Theory: How we experience love, and our relationships with God and others, through a pattern of attachment developed in us as a child. Understanding this can help us see both our natural tendencies in relationships, as well as areas in which we need to experience … Read More 

Where Is This Story Headed?

The grand story of the Bible is moving toward an end, one where God will reveal himself as he is. But what does that actually mean? When we take into account the entire biblical narrative, one that is centered around the cross, this means that God will fully unveil his love and we will not only see him as love, … Read More 

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

In this week’s message, Osheta continues our look at the biblical narrative themes of covenant and kingdom by using the Lord’s Prayer as a guide. Jesus’ own creative and kingdom focused practice that he gave us so that we can grow in our Kingdom literacy. By praying the Lord’s Prayer regularly, we reinforce the values of the Kingdom in our … Read More 

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"I've been a WH podrishioner for several years now and I can't tell you how much it has changed my life. I came across these podcasts at a time when I was in an extremely unhealthy/abusive situation, and these teachings were immensely influential to me maintaining my faith and sanity. THANK YOU for showing me what a Jesus-looking God is like and what it means to follow Him. Many, many blessings to all of you!"

– Christina, from Oregon