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Bad Blood

• Greg Boyd

This week in B.C., our Christmas series, we look at a few “interesting’ aspects of Jesus genealogy in Matthew. The bloodline of Jesus is remarkably multicultural and multidimensional.

Sermon Series: B.C.

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Focus Scripture:

  • Matthew 1:2-3

    Abraham was the father of Isaac,Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar…

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15 thoughts on “Bad Blood

  1. Jeff Jones says:

    Can Handout referred to in the podcast be included in the study guide paterials. Greg refers to images on the screen and at the HUb so they must be published and would be nice to see them.

  2. steve pearson says:

    I second Jeff’s request!

  3. Jim LePage says:

    Thanks for the suggestion, Jeff (and the second, Steve). I just added that Church History handout as a downloadable resource on the Tapestry series page:


  4. steve pearson says:

    Thanks Jim!

  5. steve pearson says:

    Thank you, Jim!

  6. Peter says:

    Given the time of year, I would like to thank Dave and fellow bloggers for their contributions throughout the year both to assist our understanding (or lack of understanding) of the messages given, and to fellow Podrishioners like myself who come from different nations that the Word reaches, in this case, through WHC. As Jesus indicates in His prayer to the Father in John 17, “….that they may be one as we are one – I in them and you in me – so that they may be brought to complete unity….”. Whether you attend WHC or your local Church (or are unable through circumstance to attend church) makes no difference as the birth of the Son (celebrated at this time), has both revealed the True Fatherhood of God and True Sonship through Jesus and through the cruciform love of God has enabled us to be brought together into His family (as has always been His plan).

    Surely, this is a time for all nations, Jew and gentile, male and female, to celebrate this joyous occasion that was not available to us before Christ but now through God’s redeeming love has made salvation available to us all.

    I pray the blessings of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with you throughout 2015.

  7. Jacob says:

    So I have a question for Greg 😉 The bloodline described in Matthew was Joseph’s line right? Yet Joseph did not implant his bloodline into Mary. So why is Jesus referred to as the Son of David? It seems to be more likely that Jesus had the bloodline of Mary unless the “overshadowing” included both seed and egg.

  8. kevin says:

    I’d like some prayers to go out for me please. for several years i’ve lived in the next to last house of a dead end street and it’s all white people over here. yesterday the previously unoccupied house at the end of the street, across the fence from me, sold. Before the house became available and while it was being remodeled, i would pray and ask God to orchestrate everything and see to it that i get a neighbor that would suit the Kingdom. So He sends a married couple who are black. this will not go over well with the racist white folks here and i now have the opportunity to put the love of God on display. i’m not hung up on race personally so that will be no obstacle. i just would like to be a good neighbor to these folks and maybe become friends….this is where i need the prayer as i tend to run people off. oh yeah, i also had asked the Lord if His choice for a neighbor might include them having a dog that could play with my little dog and, yep, they have a small poodle! Blessings

  9. Dave Pritchard says:


    Someone recently sent me this quote –

    “Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened, but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

    ….and seriously, I need to absorb it as much as the next person! I will definitely pray for Peace and Harmony in your neighborhood!

    On a lighter note – we all love beautiful Christmas Carols that Praise God for his Amazing Love and Incredible Gift of Himself. However….. this one also has to be one of my favorites Ha! –

    The Grinch Song – YouTube

  10. Denley McIntosh says:

    @ Jacob

    Mary is part of the line of King David, which makes Jesus biologically related to King David. Joseph is part of the line of David as well. However, because of the curse of Jeconiah (Jeremiah 22:24-30), and Joseph being part of that accursed line from Jeconiah (Matthew 1:11-16), Joseph is unable to father biologically the heir to the throne. (This is what at least it appears.) Nevertheless, Joseph through the marriage of Mary has made Jesus a legal heir to the throne, since it fulfills the requirements of the Old Testament law and prophecies. The issue of Jechoniah’s curse has been reversed by Jesus’ life, death, resurrection and ascension. If the cross had the power to reverse the curse of Adam (Romans 5) and other subordinate curses (i.e. curse of Eve, Ham etc.), I would think it includes reversing Jechoniah’s curse. Therefore, the line of David to throne is still fulfilled through the male line if the curse has been uplifted through Christ’s own death.

    I hope that helps Jacob.


  11. Denley McIntosh says:

    @ Peter

    I wholeheartedly agree with you that Dave has performed marvelous as Blog Pastor. It’s great that you pointed that out. I pray that you will continue to grow in your knowledge of the Lord.

    @ Dave

    I wish you God’s best as He continues to build your pastoral ministry through blogging. Merry Christmas Brother. All the best in the new year fellow Podrishioner!

    @ All Podrishioners

    I enjoy being part of the Woodlandhills Podrishioner family! I hope to continue to hear you guys next year with some stimulating thoughts and insights. Merry Christmas to you all!

  12. kathy d says:

    Thank you Peter, your message really spoke to me. Well said! Happy new year everyone, I pray the Christmas holiday was a blessed one for all.

  13. kathy d says:

    Fantastic message Greg, thank you.

  14. Pidi says:

    Very well research, incisive sermon, Pastor Greg. I love it. Matthew’s display of Jesus bloodline is truly down to earth. I hope discrimination in all forms will now be defeated. Merry Christmas, brother.

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