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Church Scandal

• Greg Boyd

The Church is to be the representation of God’s life to the world so that the world might see and know God. Yet throughout history, the Church has repeatedly fallen short of this calling. Now, as a result, people are resisting the Christian faith because of the repulsive actions and words of those in the Church. What are we to do with this reality? How do we understand what is going on in the Church? And why did God set up the Church as his primary means for his mission? This sermon seeks to address these questions. wh-bug

Show Extended Summary

Topics: Defense of Christian Faith, Hypocrisy, Love

Sermon Series: Unraveling Truth

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The MuseCast: May 9

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5 thoughts on “Church Scandal

  1. Shawn says:

    can’t watch. says the video is private

    1. Sarah Cassin says:

      Hi Shawn, sorry about that! We started a second live-stream on YouTube yesterday so I had to update the link on this page. It’s now updated! Thanks!
      -Sarah from the Communications team

  2. Matthew says:

    Hello Emily.

    Greg mentioned that there will be a purging at the final judgment. I´m wondering what this purging will be like. Can it be compared to the purgatory that the Roman Catholic Church teaches?

    I believe that the final judgment will be both merciful and restorative as some of the church fathers taught. Even some modern teaches who believe in universalism have added that there will have to be some sort of purging at the judgment for all people, though they tend not to go into specifics.

    Also … can a final judgment be universal, merciful, and restorative in nature without any purging taking place?

    Thanks as always for any help you or anyone else can offer. I really appreciate it.

    1. Emily says:

      Hi Matthew,

      A central passage I have in mind when I speak about the Final Judgment as a “purging’ is I Cor 3:11-15. In my view, for God’s eternal loving kingdom to be established on the renewed earth, everything inconsistent with God’s love must be burned away, like wood, hay and stubble, while everything that is consistent with this love must be refined. I thus am inclined to understand the Final Judgment more along the lines of an organic process than as a judicial sentence.

      Hope that helps.
      Keep thinking, growing and loving,


  3. Matthew says:

    Thanks as always Greg.

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