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Coronavirus Q&A

• Greg Boyd, Kevin Callaghan, Sandra Unger

People have a lot of questions about what God is doing during this pandemic. In this teaching, leaders from Woodland Hills address questions that have been submitted over the last few weeks.

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During the last few weeks, we have been inviting people to submit questions related to their experience of the pandemic. We have not had enough time to address some really good questions that have been sent in. Therefore, we took our entire teaching time to respond. Some of them include:

  • How can we use this pandemic situation to show the world of unbelievers that Church isn’t just something that happens in a building on Sundays?
  • If God’s all powerful, then shouldn’t he be able to stop this pandemic in a moment?
  • How do we deal with the stress and anxiety that is arising during this time?

Through this interaction, you will learn about ways to interact with other people who are blaming God for the pandemic, how to to deal with anxiety and isolation, and how to be the church when we cannot meet together in buildings. This guidance will empower you to live in peace and hope during this time of uncertainty.

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Topics: Pain & Suffering, Spiritual Warfare

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4 thoughts on “Coronavirus Q&A

  1. Richard says:

    Recalibration is no longer an option, it is the way to move forward.

  2. Richard says:

    Experiencing the reality of the ideal within our actual situations, is never accomplished apart from great turbulence.

  3. Joann says:

    I am 70 yrs old and would volunteer wherever I was needed. But now I have been bench. Grrr…so I am taking the time I used for volunteer to become a prayer warrior. There are a lot of need for prayer and who am I to say no.

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Thank you Joann. Prayer is powerful!
      – Paige from the Communications Team

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