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Creating the Laser Beam

• Greg Boyd

Prayer is powerful and effective. It is an important and necessary act of spiritual warfare for the believer. Throughout scripture, we are shown that prayer can change the outcome of situations. Believers are therefore called to pray, not solely out of obedience, but with a sense of urgency and faith. God uses our prayers to bring about his will on earth as it is in heaven. He has chosen us to be co-laborers with him to fulfill his purposes. wh-bug

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Topics: God's Will, Prayer

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"We listen to your sermons every week and love “Muse Days” with Dan and Shawna. You are a beacon of hope and leading us all in learning to be more like Jesus. Thank you for all of your wonderful service to the Lord! —Scott and Katie Spohn, Zach, Jacob and Valerie"

– Scott and family