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Dreamers and Doers

• Brianna Millett

When did we grow out of our imagination? At what point did we cease living into the adventure that is life, that is following Jesus? We are told, at far too young of an age, to “put away childish things”, to create a life that is predictable, linear and safe. But is that the kind of life Jesus invites us to live? This week Brianna shares with us the adventure of being Dreamers and Doers in the Kingdom of God. wh-bug

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Topics: Faith, Imagination, Kingdom of God

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2 thoughts on “Dreamers and Doers

  1. Mike says:

    Watched this message yesterday. Disappointing. No, God is not “here to say yes to your dreams.” He’s here calling us to hear his dreams, his purposes and plans, and to surrender to his will and his doing.

  2. Anna says:

    Wonderful message! This was one of the most encouraging messages I’ve listened to lately. I am a dreamer as well and admit as a child I also jumped with an umbrella hoping to fly like Mary Poppins. It didn’t work for me either unfortunately but I am always envisioning what God is capable of in the most discouraging, tragic and impossible circimstances. I learned that if I focus on what I am not capable of I get discouraged and wonder why my life feels meaningless. However, when I keep my focus on what God IS capable of there are no limits to what he can accomplish through us when we seek him. I have seen him work in many peoples lives with a very small step of faith that he has called me too at different times in my life. It always amazes me that the God of the universe bends his ears towards us when we come to him like a child. We do have a Great Father. Thanks for the encouragement WH!

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