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Mixtape: Ephesians 2:11-18

• Greg Boyd

In this third installment of the mixed tape series, Greg shares his experience in growing in a non-violent world view during conflict. As followers of Jesus, we are called on to mimic our Lord and be peacemakers. We learn that being a peacemaker is not just doing activities that promote a lack of conflict, but it’s about rather putting our trust and whole source of worth and significance in the one who is peace, Jesus. wh-bug

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Topics: Love, Non-Violence, Peace

Sermon Series: Mixtape

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6 thoughts on “Mixtape: Ephesians 2:11-18

  1. Dave Pritchard says:

    “The choice is not between violence and nonviolence but between nonviolence and nonexistence.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

    It’s been said that the closer we can come to embodying that practice in our present, the closer we will come to achieving that vision of the future! But there’s a subtle nuance here, in that certain ontologies of violence are woven so tightly into culture – i.e. “The right to bare arms” for example, that some people are simply unable to distinguish their identity from that paradigm – i.e. “I have a right to maintain peace; even if I have to kill for it!”

    But once in Christ, “Our existence flows out from the one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live” – 1 Cor 8:6

    Often political, ethnic and gender conflicts, intentionally popularized by the media, become like a giant “Shelob” looking to ensnare and entangle our lives and drain our energies away from Cruciform love. When sifting through the daily minutiae, it’s always important to remember Micah 6:8 – “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

  2. kevin says:

    I’ve heard Greg tell that “i broke through the fear, fought the schoolyard bully and won’ story before. In my experience, i was the one who did not have the confidence to win those battles; i remained cowering in fear and embarrassment. No one had ever taught me to fight or to stand up for myself and unlike Greg, violence did not come naturally. I’ve always believed that today, i would be a much different/better person had i been able to stand up for myself and at least try to win those fights. It is the case that, from the way i was reared, i was rather peace loving, though i was not taught Christian non-violence principles. As i got older i found ways to avoid being in those bully situations, all the while remaining in fear.

    I’m convinced that had i stood up to the bully, as Greg did, the validation received from my peers and the confidence-boosting feelings from those victories, would have given me the leg up in life that i feel i’ve missed out on. Can’t live in the past but i do have to wonder.

  3. Dave Pritchard says:

    I hear ya Kevin! You would not believe some of the crazy stories I could share growing up bullying, being bullied, fighting, etc. It’s a miracle I survived at all – Ha! But seriously though, those victories you’ve talked about missing, I think you should seriously give Christ Praise for, in that had you won every time and then potentially been over confident and arrogant, I think perhaps ones receptivity to the Gospel might have been more difficult – I know for certain mine would have been!

    Acknowledging the fact that we need a Savior and that we can’t stand on and in our own strength, is perhaps the most courageous action of all that we can ever take!

    I’ve run into and met up with some of those arrogant cocky guys from high school and after all these years, most are nowhere spiritually and financially – Still stuck projecting their “Tough Guy Machismo” – always looking for a tangle or confrontation to prove their worth to themselves. Sad really.

    As you know (please forgive any condescension on my part) there’s a thin line between allowing yourself to be a victim and being enervative for Christ. God’s perfect omnibenevolent power is demonstrated in His weakness on The Cross for our sake and if we can model that self-sacrificial example, even in an imperfect sense, through the power of the Holy Spirit, then we are on the right track.

    Cheers Bro!

  4. Stephanie B says:

    Thankful for the reminder that “My life is Christ. Nothing else matters” this week.

  5. Lori H says:

    I came to this site today after another horrible day dealing with the nastiest, most manipulative woman I have ever had the misfortune to work with. My work life has been, at times, so unbearable that I wake up wanting to just not “be” anymore, my self-worth, self-esteem is just shot.

    This sermon was exactly what I needed. I will listen to it a few more times this weekend before going back to work! 😉

    Thanks Greg

  6. Michael E. says:

    Pastor Greg, the quote you shared “My life is hid in Christ and nothing else matters” has been a tremendous help to me personally. Thank you for sharing that.

    I did not have the experience you did as a child, I was bullied and I gave up and did not fight back and lost a fight to a smaller bully that I should have really creamed if I had not given in to fear and cowardice.

    That cowardice followed me all my life, even after I got saved until I grew in faith and stature as a Christian. What the Lord showed me about that experience was this: If I had won that fight I would have become overconfident and proud, so I would have resisted receiving Jesus as my Savior. My dad had a similar experience to yours Greg and he became a “self-made man” who although he did have faith in Jesus, never allowed Jesus to make him into the man he could have become.

    Once I saw how God used this experience in my life to bring me to faith in Christ, it totally expelled the feeling that I was plagued with that I was a coward. Since then He has taken me to 7 different foreign mission fields, I have faced .50 caliber machine guns, had pistols waved in my face, passed out literally thousands of Gospel tracts on the streets of countries ruled by dictatorships that did not allow that. The Holy Spirit helped me conquer my fear, and believe me I was scared every single day I hit the streets with a pouch full of tracts to give out!

    Pastor Greg, wow, thank You Jesus for the great message He give you!
    In Jesus’ Name,
    Michael E.

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