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Food, Clothing & Dinosaurs

• Emily Morrison

Jesus tells us not to worry, but what does this mean in a world full of worry-causing circumstances? How can we not be anxious when there are so many troubling issues that we face? This teaching addresses what it means to trust God in anxious times to the point that we know that Jesus is with us as we face our worries. wh-bug

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Topics: Pain & Suffering, Presence of God

Sermon Series: Sermon on the Mount, Treasure Hunters

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The MuseCast: April 26

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4 thoughts on “Food, Clothing & Dinosaurs

  1. Jan says:

    Heartfelt and Holy Spirit-filled preaching, Emily! Lately I’ve been working more with “via positiva” imaginative prayer and really appreciated your personalizing the context about Jesus staying with us. So grateful that Woodland Hills is online and takes action to let the gifts of all, sisters and brothers alike, be shared from the pulpit.

  2. Joann says:

    I have always prayed to be blessed with what I “need” and not what I “want”. God knows my heart, he knows my strengths, and he knows my weaknesses. He is the only one who knows what I need.

  3. Patty says:

    Dear Sister Emily,
    You broke the glass ceiling of fear over and over again with faith. Thank you for transparency in a world where strife and woe exist all around us. Loved the 🕯️ you are shining 🌟 bright in a sometimes dark and frightening world 🌍🌎.
    Grateful that you are here in WHC to share …press on in the race!

  4. brad says:

    Thanks, Emily. My first thought after listening to your message was that there is nothing, NO THING in our existence that is constant except our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Why do we continually try to depend on ephemeral things?

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