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Forgiven and Forgiving

• Greg Boyd

Jesus teaches about the importance of forgiving others who have done us harm, even saying that the Father will not forgive us if we don’t forgive. What does this mean? Why is forgiveness so important? How do we practice it? These are questions that Greg explores in this crucial sermon for our times. wh-bug

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Topics: Forgiveness, Grace, Prayer

Sermon Series: Sermon on the Mount, When You Pray

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6 thoughts on “Forgiven and Forgiving

  1. Steph says:

    I just want to share some observations with you all and hope that it would be considered and maybe prayerfully thought about. In my experience and healing journey with Abba there really is not a lot of hype or striving to claim “Victory” in God. He has won already. There isn’t a lot of pressure to engage in these behaviors. For people who have had any trauma in their past this kind of display of who God is can be very triggery. God is gentle, kind, patient and fully of mercy. Some people like hype I get that. Just “consider” how this type of “worship” is very triggery for some who transfer the hype over to performance. Something important for the day and age we are in. I would think. God always comes in the quite still whisper. I am here. I am for you! Not in loud hype. Thank you for considering my input. It’s also quite insensitive for people who are grieving. Which there are some of us too. Grieving to purge and replace with more of the “real deal.” Abba!

  2. Steph says:

    Ok…. Added with Neuroplasticity and Re Wiring the Nervous system it’s totally TRUE. For people with Trauma the layers are multi faceted and the approach to healing is a holistic one. We are all in process. I have chronic lyme. This is another layer. The “Experience” supercedes the knowledge. I am healing with many tools. So thankful for tools like DNRS and Nervous System work which is the whole package. “Those People” are precious valuable and worthy humans. Watch the language please!! That’s a we/them mentality. “Some” of us see the whole forgiveness from many dimensions. Stress from MANY sources gets stuck in the body and that’s why we have an explosion in Trauma based therapies. People with chronic illness have many layers… Once again it’s not as simple as this. Need new novel approaches to bringing community. Gentle. Calm. Peace.

  3. stephanie says:

    I FORGIVE you Greg Boyd for using language that makes it sound like “we” are somehow worse off or bad for having had a real hard journey. It’s a “human experience” we ALL go through. We are ALL experiencing layers of hard. Different for all of us. I wont be going to WH any time soon. It’s not who I want to be or how it is.

  4. Tim says:

    I would like to add this passage to Greg’s interesting sermon. If we don’t Internalize God’s forgiveness it can hinder our spiritual growth and ultimately turns us into out-of-control, unloving people. The bible is very insightful about our sinful condition.

    For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith excellence, to excellence, knowledge; to knowledge, self-control; to self-control, perseverance; to perseverance, godliness; to godliness, brotherly affection; to brotherly affection, unselfish love. For if these things are really yours and are continually increasing, they will keep you from becoming ineffective and unproductive in your pursuit of knowing our Lord Jesus Christ more intimately. But concerning the one who lacks such things – he is blind. That is to say, he is nearsighted, since he has forgotten about the cleansing of his past sins.
    (II Peter 1:5-9 [NETfree])

  5. Lorie says:

    I’m not triggered by this as I once was but I don’t think it’s trauma sensitive… but I also don’t think Greg meant to be offensive either.

  6. Juniper says:

    The amount of times I’ve been accused of a crime I didn’t commit, dismissed, diminished, disregarded 🙁

    For Autistic individuals who are Monotropic, who’s strength of focus and finishing tasks to completion, who are innately tuned toward loyalty and deeper authentic connexion due to our beta waves, unresolved issues coupled with a natural hyper-focus, create a hard conscious dissonance.
    One thing I don’t know how to ‘release’ is how an ex called me unredeemable because I couldn’t understand what he was saying or not saying (calling me unteachable), falsely judging me and demanding apologies for things I didn’t do. I know I’m not hopeless, I was still emerging from so much childhood trauma I couldn’t recognise due to being so withdrawn I was a ghost of a self and just needed practical guidance and wisdom (which I eventually found).

    I have been expected to be sympathetic and understanding without the ability to recognise I wasn’t being responded to the same. I’m not sure I could hate these others, it’s that I loved them and don’t know how to reconcile what happened with an impending future. One I have matters of business left over with and his wife has made things difficult – she and her friends were quite vicious to me before he and I broke up; he falsely held things against me things she actually does.

    It’s the double-binds that I recall and the overwhelming amount of stuff that pops into memory on any given day. It’s just an amazing amount. Currently, I’ve been ghosted by both, I couldn’t say direct to them what harms were caused and that I forgive, but even when I tried to in the past I think I was met with manipulation. I also feel it’s wrong to present these things to an ex who’s now married is crossing a line, so trying to continually work out how to let that go. In the case of a family member, who before she ghosted me accused me of a thing which – not only misappropriated and warped the meaning of – but is something she continues to do, I am haunted by a future relationship which of course I desire, but it cannot be the dynamic of the past. And as parents get older one is supposed to expect they are stuck in their ways in order to be Realistic about matters never changing. I am afraid of putting myself in harms way. I have been robbed on repeat and while they don’t need to pay me back, I’m afraid I cannot discern the signs in the future. I cannot relate with Neurotic mindset and behaviours, I misinterpret them often. Sympathy with / for these others has often been used against me.

    This woman describes quite well, the things we silently go through in life: https://www.instagram.com/thearticulateautistic/

    Am I asking about things which matters of forgiveness are muddled up with? Wisdom, discernment, understanding, reading and studiousness have all brought a great deal of relief. But not reconciliation and justice. How long does one grieve a parent they didn’t have, who’s still alive and a step parent who manipulated the other so there was a fraction of a relationship. I feel God has stepped in repeatedly. But I still have these broken things in my life I don’t know how to fix.

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