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Good Friday 2015

• Greg Boyd

Good Friday is the day when we remember Jesus’ work on the Cross. This year, Greg frames the story of Christ’s sacrifice from the perspective of parent and child relationships.

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One thought on “Good Friday 2015

  1. Peter says:

    There are times when messages tend to be too Christocentric and while there is nothing wrong with that, the exclusion of teaching on The Father and His Fatherhood can be a huge deficiency. So this message should bring much joy to listeners.

    As a commentator recently brought to my attention, the world is filled with ‘prodigal sons’ burning up their inheritance. Those who have turned away from their True Father and eventually find themselves in the ‘pig sty’ of self-life and all its consequences.

    In the parable (Lk 15:11-32), when the prodigal son returned to his father, he was so overwhelmed by the father’s love and forgiveness that he could not even confess that he was no longer worthy to be called his son. Also noted was the negativity in the parable of the older brother to the father for what he was doing but, as the commentator points out, rather than the Father running to greet the lost son we have our older brother, Jesus, already there bringing us to the Father (John 14:6  Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”…..stunning!).

    Fatherhood and sonship are an indelible trait of humanity as this was the image in which we were created and what we are designed to be (sons). When we are true sons of our true Father (as displayed by Jesus) then we see and do what the Father shows us….effectively, His family, the Church, should reflect, from an outsiders viewpoint, the Father’s loving and forgiving disposition (especially for ‘prodigals’), for which the early Church was noted.

    Where the teaching moves to Jesus to the exclusion of the Father, how can His family be true sons to their parent? Up until the Cross, few had access to the Father…effectively only the High Priest making atonement once a year. But now after the crucifixion, the veil to the Holy of Holies has been torn from top to bottom giving access to the Father by His children…yet again stunning!

    There is so much glorious Fatherhood teaching here, that it is hoped Greg’s message is but a foretaste of what may come!

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