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Integrated Faith

• Greg Boyd

Our fallen world is full of dis-integration. This week, Greg takes the past topics of faith and applies them to this fallen world. In doing so, we are giving a way of integrating our faith in any situation. wh-bug

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Topics: Faith, Imagination, Prayer

Sermon Series: Faith and Doubt

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4 thoughts on “Integrated Faith

  1. Roger Bannister says:

    Thank you for articulating Biblical theology that makes sense. I feel sorry for those people who have been brought up in systems that offer Jesus only as their insurance policy. I wasted 30 years of my life there… so there is deep residual anger I have to deal with.

  2. May the Lord heal our “disintegrated” past and “integrate” our minds to “Kingdom” thoughts daily. Thanks for this message as it has brought me a higher level of my prayer life and challenges me to “pray with vision (faith)” more!! Halleluah!!

  3. Anke says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how these messages unfailingly hit home in my personal life. This particular talk helped me see how I can apply my faith in my troubled relationship with my emotionally distant family where, rather than time and again getting hurt by what is not, the person that I really am: healed and loved and wholly accepted in the Beloved, can reach out and care in His love.

  4. Peggie Greenough says:

    What a great message, as usual!! Thank you for being the messenger!! One thing, when our family finally gets to visit your church, we have collectively decided, we want to sit right next to the inspirational, deep voiced man who often throws out the Heaven felt “YEAH” when you are speaking 🙂 Amen brother!! And Amen Greg!!!

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"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska