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Kingdom Starters

• Osheta Moore
Guest Panelists: Dan Kent

From the parable of the yeast, Jesus is teaching us about how the Kingdom of God works. Instead of expanding with landmark gestures and grandiose acts, it infiltrates life in small ways, often hidden from view, but as it expands, it actually touches every part of life. wh-bug

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Topics: Faithfulness, Kingdom of God

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The MuseCast : May 12

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2 thoughts on “Kingdom Starters

  1. Cindy says:

    Hello Osheta,
    Thank you so much for this message today. My husband and I have been watching Woodland Hills Pod casts for 10 or 11 years now. The main verse that Jesus has been Highlighting in my heart over the last 3+ years has been Luke 13:20-21. So much of what you said very deelply confirmed what Jesus has been speaking to me, and you added some insights that blessed me and will be food to chew on for months to come.
    After we listen to sermons, we discuss them and pray. Today I had a hard time talking because I was crying from joy so much! I am 71 years old and don’t have the energy to be a “doer” any more. I believe Jesus is saying to me that as I learn the “yeast” reality I will “get more done” than I ever did as a doer. Wow! I think that just might be true!
    As a fun fact, if you are ever in San Francisco visit the Boudin Sour dough bread site and take the museum tour. The sourdough starter they use was started in the 1850s some time, and was “saved’ during the fire after the earth quake in 1906. Fun historical story.
    Blessings Cindy Freeman

    1. Paige Slighter says:

      Thanks for sharing Cindy. We’ll pass it along to Osheta.
      – Paige from the Communications Team

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"The sermons and MuseCast have been so encouraging regarding the series on Revelation. Thanks for all the time you spend bringing it all together, and also for the music teams who have been absolutely amazing, the way they work together bringing us into wonderful worship times."

– Christine