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Listen Up Q&A

• Paul Eddy, Rob Kistler, Sandra Unger, Shawna Boren

This final teaching in the Listen Up series is a Q&A that speaks to the practical implications about listening to God’s voice in our daily lives.

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In this teaching, Paul Eddy, Sandra Unger and Rob Kistler served as a panel, answering questions facilitated by Shawna Boren. These questions were compiled from the many that were submitted by people during this series. The focus of the conversations was on making hearing God a reality in our daily lives, whether we are taking care of children, crunching numbers, or turning a wrench. After all, if we cannot hear God in our real life, then where can we do so?

Some of the questions included the following:

1) “This entire series has been about how we can better discern the voice of God in our lives. Over the weeks, Greg, Osheta and David have shared some of the things that enabled them to hear God. Can each of you share a bit about how hearing God has happened in your lives, and what practical things have helped you to more easily discern the voice of God?”

2) “I have this fear that if I really listen to God, he is going to tell me to do something I really don’t want to do.”

3) “What do I do with what I think I am hearing or sensing from God? How can I know it is actually God’s voice?”

4) “I realize that when I think or talk about hearing God’s voice, I think of it in a very individualistic way, like how do I hear God’s voice? But often in the Bible it seems that God speaks to and through a group of people. What role does community play in hearing God?”

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Topics: Holy Spirit, Imagination, Imaginative Prayer, Prayer

Sermon Series: Listen Up

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"We just started attending last summer and we love it! This past weekend the music was so beautiful, I felt the Holy Spirit there and wept the entire time. And then the message on relationships spoke right to my own struggles. God is here."

– Nicole