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New Age Conclusion

• Greg Boyd

Another basic teaching of the New Age movement is that of moral relativism. This is the belief that there are no hard and fast rules about right and wrong.

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Another of the basic teachings of the New Age movement is that of moral relativism. This is the belief that there are no hard and fast rules about right and wrong. It is said that every individual must find his or her own truth, and make up his or her own moral code. However, the Bible tells us that just the opposite is true.

Most New Age philosophy incorporates Jesus into its belief system. They often have nice things to say about Him, but they will always refuse to identify Him as the Savior of the world. They consider Him to be just another wise man, not the Son of God. Other religions and cults also teach this.

Perhaps the most anti-Christian New Age teaching is the belief that all things, including human beings, are God. The real truth is, all that is evil in the world today began when Satan decided he wanted to be God (Isaiah 14:13). No longer content to be one of the created, he wanted to be the Creator. In the Garden of Eden, Eve fell for the same evil desire: “ … when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5).

Creation’s desire to be the Creator is the very essence of sin. It destroys the beautiful God-human relationship that He has planned for us.

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Focus Scripture:

  • Isaiah 14:13

    You said in your heart,
    “I will ascend to heaven;
    I will raise my throne
    above the stars of God;
    I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
    on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.

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