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Out of the Darkness

• Greg Boyd

It’s impossible to live in this world and not see the evil that happens. This evil happens because of the free will of evil forces in creation. But there is hope in this darkness. In this sermon, Greg explains how we lived in the kingdom of darkness and have been brought into the Kingdom of God. wh-bug

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Topics: Grace, Kingdom of God, Nationalism

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4 thoughts on “Out of the Darkness

  1. Maria says:

    Life transforming! Question – I’ve just began using my sanctified imagination as I’m interacting with the Word. I was trying to picture myself in Christ. Greg made the statement that the kingdom is in Christ and I’m in Him. The image I saw was like a globe inside of Jesus’ belly, but where is the kingdom of darkness? Then to complicate things more, the scripture says that Christ is in me.

  2. Dan says:

    It’s the Holy Spirit that is in us. Would it be easier to visualize that rather than Christ Himself being in you/us?

  3. Jerry says:

    Thank you for all of your wonderful books and sermons!

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