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Recent Sermons

In addition to sermon audio and video files, many of our sermons have other resources available like extended summaries and study guides. Our archive dates back to 1992 and all resources are free to download and distribute. Most sermons are by our Senior Pastor, Greg Boyd.

Entering into Worship

• Peggy Riley

Whom do you worship? What do you worship? In today's entertainment-focused society, we often emulate people such as athletes, musicians, and movie stars. People who are rich and famous allure us. Yet, they are human beings like you and me. What we truly desire and need is the healing presence of Jesus Christ.

Love Never Ends

• Greg Boyd

Greg finished the sermon series on love this weekend by focusing on I Corinthians 13:8-13. As Greg has been saying throughout this series, love is the center of the Christian experience. Everything in Christianity hinges upon Christ’s demonstration of love on the Cross for us and our manifesting that love to others.

The Light of the World

• Greg Boyd

Greg spoke this morning about the power of Jesus Christ as the Light of the World. In the Bible light and darkness are contrasted. Light describes the goodness and presence of God, while darkness describes the absence of God’s presence, or more specifically, describes a context of rebellion against God.

Love Bears All Things

• Greg Boyd

Is the Christmas season as pleasant as the advertisers portray it? Along with the wonder and joy of the Season, many people feel, at times, melancholy, bitter, and depressed. Whatever the case, is it possible to celebrate Christmas with joy if we are experiencing such “unseasonal” emotions?

Living by Faith

• Efrem Smith

Efrem Smith preached this morning from Hebrews 11 about living by faith. The Christmas season can leave many people feeling shaken and weak. Many people wonder, “What can I trust in?” Efrem preached that faith in Christ is what people need, especially during this season. In particular, he preached about ten characteristics of living by faith that we learn from this chapter.

Restoring the Image of God

• Greg Boyd

Greg talked this morning about the overwhelming significance of humanity being made in the image of God. If we will understand and live in the knowledge of this reality, we will experience profound healing.

Missionfield Youth

• Dennis Luce

Dennis Luce, Youth Pastor at Woodland Hills, shared his passion for reaching youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He shared how today’s youth culture is vastly different from earlier generations.

Love Does Not Insist on its Own Way

• Greg Boyd

Greg continued his sermon series through I Corinthians 13 by focusing on verse 5: “love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful.” As a general principle, love does not seek to control others. However, controlling behavior typically characterizes human nature. Why is this?
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"The sermons and MuseCast have been so encouraging regarding the series on Revelation. Thanks for all the time you spend bringing it all together, and also for the music teams who have been absolutely amazing, the way they work together bringing us into wonderful worship times."

– Christine