If death is the last word, then everything in life is utterly meaningless. All that people think, dream, feel, work for, or even exist for come to nothing.
If death is the last word, then everything in life is utterly meaningless. All that people think, dream, feel, work for, or even exist for come to nothing.
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If death is the last word, then everything in life is utterly meaningless. All that people think, dream, feel, work for, or even exist for come to nothing.
Somewhere inside every person’s heart is the conviction that death is not the end. As human beings, we crave meaning. Why, if we were just an accident of nature, would there exist this craving in us? When an animal craves something (food, drink, etc.), the object of their craving exists and is indeed vital to survival. So it is with us.
We who believe in Christ’s resurrection know that death is not the last word.
When a person doesn’t know the Lord, death has a sting. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, that sting is taken away.
While many people seek to find life and meaning in this world, Christians can find peace knowing that this world is only a prelude to life. We were created to live the life that God has available to us, through Christ, on the other side of death.
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