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Stories Of Justice

• Mark Moore

Week four of our Love. Walk. Do. sermon series focused on stories of justice for human trafficking victims. Mark Moore, Church Mobilization Director at International Justice Mission (IJM), shared stories of what IJM has done to actively bring justice and healing to human trafficking victims. wh-bug

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Topics: Justice, Pain & Suffering, Spiritual Warfare

Sermon Series: Love. Walk. Do.

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4 thoughts on “Stories Of Justice

  1. Kevin says:

    He had me until he asked us all to “beg God”. People of God, we don’t have to beg!

  2. Heather says:

    It was a privilege at sit among you and listen to the sermon. We are from out of town but joined our daughter for the service. So excited to consider that we are the “light of the world.” The implications are huge. Willing to ask/beg/seek/find so that others may become free. Sincere thanks for the opportunity to hear about God’s view of oppression and to hear what the Lord “requires” (Now, what DOES “requires” mean??)!

  3. Peter says:

    I don’t know exactly what context you are asking your question, “Now, what DOES “requires” mean??”. However, “coming from out of town”, and assuming the obvious interpretation of your question, WHC’s currrent sermon series “Love. Walk. Do.” and specifically, “Love Mercy” has as its Focus Scripture”, Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”, that may be the starting point that you are seeking.

  4. Dave PRITCHARD says:

    What a great message! Mark brings incredible passion and sincerity to confronting a horrendous problem, often never seen by Western eyes. Organizations like “IJM” and “Free the Slaves” as well as others, are working hard to eradicate this evil through the mobilization and prayers of Kingdom minded people. The solution is not only to pray for the release and freedom of the victims and the destruction of the heinous injustice of slavery, but also for those whom are perpetrating these crimes as well.

    The dark socioeconomic vacuum that certain facets of Capitalism creates in emergent cultures leads to the victimization of the poor and disenfranchised. The cycle of abuse in these industries can often be smashed by eliminating the ‘need’ at its source – in the hearts and minds of men. Justice can go a long way to freeing the victims and incarcerating the perpetrators but only the Gospel truly can break the Satanic yoke that binds the minds of those who see people only as ‘chattel’ to be exploited. Our consumerist culture also directly feeds into this problem and what we never see behind the scenes in the production of many of the everyday things we consume, needs to be exposed to the ‘Light’ as Mark adroitly pointed out.

    Like GAP clothing? – So do I. But….. one wonders if “GAP” paradoxically stands for the horrendous socioeconomic ‘GAP’ between those who MAKE it, and those who BUY it!

    The slave labor behind your favorite clothing brands: Gap … – Salon.com

    Free the Slaves

    Videos « Free the Slaves

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