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The Fire God

• Greg Boyd

God is a FIRE. To all who are open to him, God’s presence is a fire of love, salvation, healing and purification. To all who are not, God’s presence is experienced as a fire of destruction. Jesus reminds and warns us to build our lives on him; depending upon where our hearts are, God’s fiery and holy love either saves and purifies us, or it destroys. wh-bug

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Topics: Healing, Hell, Love, Salvation

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3 thoughts on “The Fire God

  1. Liban says:


    thank you Greg for this powerful word of God. I have a question. Are you somehow endorsing the idea of purgatory? Because if we can not enter directly because of our ungodliness than it seems the right thing to conclude? Secondly, why is it better to ‘burnt up’ now instead of later. Maybe because the fire is hotter, because we are closer to God?

    God bless


  2. Connor Unger says:

    Hi Liban,

    Thanks for your message! You might want to check out Greg’s blog over at http://www.reknew.org. He’s written a couple times on the subject of purgatory. You might be interested in this post in particular:


    Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help!

  3. Pieter says:

    Good sermon but one question remains: how will Jesus bring division? By fire people get formed into the likeliness of Christ so the fruit will be connection to each other, not division, right?

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