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Topic: Healing

Living in High Definition

If we want to experience change in our life habits that are unhealthy and sinful, we need to learn to embrace the practice of confession. This sermon gives a clear path for entering into this little-adopted habit of the Christian faith.

Return to Innocence

This weekend we continue our study of how attachment theory can be used as a descriptive tool for our connections in relationships with others as well as how we connect with God. How we have connected with others, both positively and negatively, is usually a good approximation for how we think of and connect with God. Some of this appears … Read More 

Co-Ruling with Christ

In this weekend’s sermon, Greg provides us with a framework for the importance of prayer. While most of us have been taught about the importance of prayer, it can still feel like an empty duty if we do not have a framework for the reason why prayer matters.

Everyday Epiphany

Today Osheta talked about one of her favorite church holidays called Epiphany, and what it means to her. Epiphany honors the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as told by the story of the Magi in Matthew 2:1–12. To Osheta, it is about how Jesus shows up for many different people in many different ways. 


This weekend, David wrapped up our Blended series with his sermon in which he modeled how we might unearth our roots, so that we might move forward in Jesus.

Jocks Don’t Change Diapers?

Today Sandra affirms that you don’t have to have suffered awful abuse or trauma in order to have stuff that you need to heal from. We all have baggage from our past, so she shares five strategies for healing.

Redeeming the Past

In this final sermon in our Moving Pictures series, Greg looks at how the past can be redeemed and give way to a healing future. All people carry wounds and brokenness from their past and many of us continue to live those hurts in the present. Greg examines how through the love of Christ all people’s pasts can be transformed and integrated into God’s great story of redemption. Read More 

Extending Freedom

“When Jesus saw THEIR faith, he said… ‘Son, YOUR sins are forgiven… Pick up your mat and walk.’” Satan tries to isolate us, but the truth is that everything in the Kingdom is in relationship. We NEED others, and others NEED us! To allow the Enemy to keep us from sharing God’s blessings is to remain in a cage of deception – but to love others as best we can, even though we’re still imperfect ourselves, is to be set free!

We sat down with Jim to hear some of his story.

Click here to see that interview.

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Generic God

In this fourth installment of the Mixed Signals series, we explore how humans have historically given God, or the gods, attributes we ourselves have desired. In our present day this trend has manifested itself in a very generic, distant, tolerant, and civil picture of God. God is viewed as an ambiguous force defined by His power, and viewed as merely a giver of moral guidance wanting us all to get along. Greg and Seth expose how this misguided picture of God has led to a large population of Christians still viewing themselves as Lord of their own life. Read More 

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"My counselor zeroed in on the root causes of my anxiety, explaining the mechanisms of why I was feeling the way I was, and what to do about it. She was very loving and compassionate and approached my situation with a technical mindset as well. A very rare combination."

– Lay Counseling participant