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The Lamb at the Center

• Greg Boyd

In this sermon, Greg Boyd introduces chapter 5 of Revelation where we read about the vision of the slain lamb. This lamb unveils the nature of God’s character in a surprising way, as typically God is depicted as having lion-like character, but instead the slain lamb shows us what God is really like, how God works in the world and how God has conquered evil. wh-bug

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Topics: Imagination, Love, Non-Violence

Sermon Series: Good Heavens!

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The MuseCast: June 18

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3 thoughts on “The Lamb at the Center

  1. Chuck Carlson says:

    Tom and others:

    I have a much different conclusion on the character of God, the lion eats the lamb! At this moment, the lion can only be thought of as Iarael, and the Lamb is Palestine’s 11/2 million who are being eaten by the lion!

    Most in our land ignore that the lion is the natural gas field being killed for its newly discovered Natural Gas. All those who work for Israel, say the lion’s share of the Kamar field is in Gaza waters. Not owned, but coveted by the “lion”.
    This view explains why all of Gaza is being leveled by Israel, mostly with USA bombs, so the rightful owner of “Kamar” will be either dead in Gaza or forced into the desert of Israel.
    Best to all,
    Chuck C


  2. Marlené says:

    You opened my eyes. Great sermon.

  3. Lorie says:

    Astounding sermon Greg! I’m just getting caught up!

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– Matthew