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The Merciful and The Pure In Heart

• Greg Boyd

As we continue our series on the beatitudes, we find an increasing understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. In this sermon, Greg talks about mercy and being pure in heart. He also shows how God doesn’t reward us for being merciful and being pure in heart, but there are natural, good consequences in doing these things. wh-bug

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Topics: Grace, Judgment, Justice

Sermon Series: Blessed Revolution

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3 thoughts on “The Merciful and The Pure In Heart

  1. Teresa says:

    precious and perfectly said. LOVE this sermon!

  2. Jacob says:

    Good stuff!! Greg, you are our favorite kingdom’s mad scientist 😉 You have all these seemingly scattered thoughts that get brought together at the last minute to prove who Jesus is or can be in us. Thanks

  3. Robert W says:

    A mother who’s son had been condemned came to the emperor Napolean to plead for her son’s life, Napoleaon said this is his second offense, Justice demands his death. She said I don’t ask for justice I ask for mercy. The emperor said he doesn’t deserve mercy. She said sir if he deserved it it wouldn’t be mercy and mercy is all I ask. The son was pardoned. I often tell people I deserve to die and go to hell, but I thank God for Jesus who did that for me. I’m not good, Jesus is good. Thanks Greg that was great you inspire and convict me.

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