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The New Passover

• Greg Boyd

The New Covenant, which was inaugurated by Jesus and we celebrate with the sign of the communion meal, is a reframing of the Passover Meal from Exodus. In that Old Testament story we see how God defeated evil by allowing evil to act upon itself. In the same way, the cross brings victory over sin and defeats Satan through the hidden wisdom of love. wh-bug

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Topics: Communion, Love, Salvation

Sermon Series: Long Story Short

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2 thoughts on “The New Passover

  1. Lois says:

    Thank you Greg for doing the digging for us! A lot of work but beautiful.

  2. Kevin says:

    How were they even able to go fishing if the threat of leviathan was present?

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"Thank you all the way from Oregon. I deeply appreciate being shepherded by Pastor Greg and everyone else on the panels. You are a rare find in the church nowadays. Tackling tough questions with humility and a kingdom perspective. It has been life changing for me in such tumultuous times."

– Heather, from Oregon