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The One Who Understands

• Greg Boyd

As Christians we believe that Jesus was both fully God and fully man. While some groups emphasize his divinity and others his humanity, we realize that both are essential to the person of Jesus Christ. Therefore, because Christ was fully human, we realize that he can fully enter into our human experience. He did this to identify with us and to bring redemption. As human beings one of our deepest needs is to be completely known and understood. For this reason, it was essential that Christ fully entered into our human experience so that we can be assured of his ability to relate to us in every way.

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As Christians we believe that Jesus was both fully God and fully man. While some groups emphasize his divinity and others his humanity, we realize that both are essential to the person of Jesus Christ. Therefore, because Christ was fully human, we realize that he can fully enter into our human experience (see Hebrews 2:14). He did this to identify with us and to bring redemption.

As human beings one of our deepest needs is to be completely known and understood. This is a common human experience. Most people feel lonely and isolated at some point in their lives. For this reason, it was essential that Christ fully entered into our human experience so that we can be assured of his ability to relate to us in every way.

The beauty of Christ’s full divinity and humanity is that he can understand our pain and sorrow like no other human being could. Therefore, the message of the incarnation shows us that God knows us completely, both inside and out. The extravagant love God poured out on mankind at Calvary made it possible for us to have an advocate who lives in us and knows us in the depth of our being.

Jesus Christ knows us better than anyone else ever could, and loves us as we are. While we may try to hide behind protective walls and seemingly perfect appearances, Christ sees us as we really are. God sees our shame, loneliness, doubt, fear and guilt and embraces us in the midst of this. As we present our true selves to God, his love will embrace and heal us. All that is asked of us is that we are willing to give our mess to God, and allow him to heal and transform us.

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Topics: Presence of God, Salvation

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Focus Scripture:

  • Hebrews 2:14

    Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—

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