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The Peacemakers and The Persecuted

• Greg Boyd

Being a peacemaker is more profound than simply being skilled at ending arguments. Our peacemaking is working against the corruption and conflict that pervade this world. In this sermon, Greg shows us how the cycle of conflict and how we can live in a way that breaks the cycle. wh-bug

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Topics: Conflict, Judgment, Peace

Sermon Series: Blessed Revolution

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6 thoughts on “The Peacemakers and The Persecuted

  1. kevin says:

    Why must the ‘interval’ take thousands of years to manifest?

  2. Jacob says:

    Being raised in a Mennonite home this has always been a subject that was at the forefront and a personal struggle. My Father preached peace and was jailed for not going to war, but was not a peaceful person.

    Greg stated that we do not let ourselves be abused. I agree! But, what about our wife and children, neighbor…. , do we protect them from abusers and to what level of force do we use to protect?

    Is there a difference between being vengeful or protecting our selves, family, neighborhood,…..country, or the innocent ect…?


  3. Robert W says:

    I’ve found myself in similar situations, with people accusing me of heresy per se and one way I’ve found to defuse the situation is to say let’s pray that if I’m wrong God will reveal it to me. I believe in prayer and if you do too let’s pray. And then I’m not afraid to sincerely pray and ask the Lord to show me His truth. And it’s hard to argue with that.

  4. Thomas says:

    I am in the military (in a non-combatant role) working with someone who is constantly making comments about Christians and the “fairy-tale” of Christianity. He constantly uses GD and makes it a point to antagonize me about my beliefs. He parades himself as being a highly intelligent scientific person. I am more educated than he, but I do not correct him when he makes stupid comments. It is very tempting to put him in his place, but I know that this would only escalate into a possible fight. I pray that his eyes would be open to the truth. I try to exhibit shalom, however it is very difficult to keep my mouth shut. I believe that God will create an opportunity to show him that the reality of God creates life and that his brokenness is Mataiotes, leading to death.

  5. Rick says:

    Just checking first to see if my comment will go through?

  6. Rick says:

    Good , it has 🙂

    I am so grateful for being able to listen to Greg’s view from time to time. My first exposure to Greg was through his book, ‘The Myth of a Christian Nation’. I was encouraged to find I had a similar view on political & governing issues as it relates to those in the Body of Christ. That I was not alone in perceiving or feeling things the way I was. You see, even in the confidential setting of ‘men’s group’ at church, my thoughts & comments were rather unpopular with the crowd if I shared them. Or maybe I was seen as flaky & way out there? I have been on web sites of popular ministries. Some of well respected Apologists & pastors, who haven’t thought so highly of Greg Boyd, but were more than willing to express their negative views of him & his teaching. However, I see Greg as a living example for me on how to make a stand and to still do it with gentle-kindness (in the love of Christ) towards another. I’m not claiming Greg is perfect, (and I’m certainly not), but I am grateful how God uses Greg to encourage someone like me & to help me in my daily walk and in my relationships. With the identity that so much of Christianity has taken on in America & it’s politics today, I fear a secular world see’s it as a threat (that deserves more persecution) rather than a haven. How I was reminded in Greg’s example (Nov. 11, 2012) of the daughter and father’s conversation about her not voting. I live around the influence of media & her fathers thinking, including many who claim to be brothers & sisters in Christ. I take Greg’s emphasis’ on who we are and become seriously. Are we a church that has been led astray? Controlled by fear & debt, focused more on the promise of security & prosperity by men. Or one with compassion towards & sacrifice for those in need no matter what it may cost us personally? Again, thank you for being an example to me of who to sit with and who to invite in. Just like Jesus does…

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