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Thwarting the Devil’s Schemes

• Bill Doherty, Greg Boyd

Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. Therefore, we must be wise to temptations that seek to entrap us in patterns that lead to our destruction. In this sermon Greg Boyd and Bill Doherty identify common ways that we are tempted in the current culture of political polarization. Greg and Bill then provide practical guidance for navigating these temptations so that we can avoid their entrapment. wh-bug

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Topics: Kingdom of God, Politics, Temptation

Sermon Series: Political Distortions

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One thought on “Thwarting the Devil’s Schemes

  1. Maryann says:

    Very very much appreciate this message. My husband now deceased) loved Greg and his ministry very much. This message is so pertinent and well spoken. I will listen again & study it. Thank you to both gentlemen.

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