The final teaching of this series is a panel conversation with Bronwyn Lea on the topic of church as family, where Shawna Boren and Emily Morrison explore how the church can move into this experience in everyday life.
The final teaching of this series is a panel conversation with Bronwyn Lea on the topic of church as family, where Shawna Boren and Emily Morrison explore how the church can move into this experience in everyday life.
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Today’s teaching came in the form of an interview with Bronwyn Lea, a pastor from California who wrote the book Beyond Awkward Side Hugs. In it she challenges the common cultural relationship patterns that hinder authentic biblical community and proposes ways to move forward to be the true family of God. In this conversation, Shawna Boren and Emily Morrison engage Bronwyn to tease out what it means to be the church in a world where we have lost the ability to love one another well. The questions that were addressed in this conversation include:
This conversation concludes the series on The Lost Art of Friendship. But it does not conclude our pursuit of spiritual friendship with one another. May God bless us as a church as we seek to be God’s family in our everyday lives.
Hide Extended SummaryTopics: Community, Relationships
Sermon Series: The Lost Art of Friendship
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The MuseCast: October 19
Awesome, Spirit filled worship! Thank you!
On relating to the Church as Family
“We are not just all members of the same fan club; we’re actually members of one another. We belong to one another. We have more than just shared interests. We actually have a shared life and a shared love and a shared calling and a shared purpose.”
~Bronwyn Lea
Amen Amen Amen my Sister in Christ!