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Cross Examination

May 08 2022 • Greg Boyd

Each day, we are presented with a choice: to love or to judge. When we choose to judge another person, we stand with Satan – the accuser – on one side of the courtroom, cross-examining them and looking to prove them unworthy. When we choose love, we examine not through the lens of judgment, but through the lens of the cross, where Jesus declares that all people have unsurpassable worth. In this series, we turn to the core biblical themes of love and judgment, and the absolute necessity of living in love and leaving judgment to God alone.

Sermons in this series:

Day of Revelation

• Greg Boyd

Greg teaches how what we build on the foundation of Jesus Christ will be tested by fire in the Final Judgment. That which aligns with the Kingdom will be purified and that which does not will be burned away.

Topics: End Times, Judgment

As in Adam, So in Christ

• Greg Boyd

In this sermon, Greg addresses the question of how Christ died and gave life to all, but at the same time, people can choose death and therefore reject this life. This is set in the context of the end judgment of God.

Topics: End Times, Judgment, Love

Love in Four Dimensions

• Greg Boyd, Rob Kistler, Shawna Boren

The vision of Woodland Hills is “Learning to Love Together.” This is practiced in four dimensions: loving God, loving ourselves, loving other people and loving creation.

Topics: Love

As Humans Go, So Goes the Earth

• Greg Boyd

There is a direct, organic connection between how humans live in love and the well-being of creation. The calamity experienced at the hands of the environment is a natural result of human failure to care for it as God intended.

Topics: Judgment, Love

The “Wrath of God”

• Greg Boyd

What does it mean to trust God as the ultimate judge? This is an important question if we are going to live in love and forego judgment of others.

Topics: Judgment, Love

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"My counselor emailed me the True You sermon from your Overwhelmed series to help me believe who God says I am, which was a game changer for sure."

– MK, from Arizona