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Dancing with God

Sep 09 2007 • Greg Boyd

Our God is a great God! He is good, holy and worthy of praise. As followers of God, worship is a way of ascribing worth to God. To worship God is to reflect back to God how much he is worth to us. Our lives are an act of worship, including special times where we individually and corporately worship God. As we participate in worshipping the source of all life, love and beauty, we in turn are changed and transformed.

Sermons in this series:

The Inner Sanctum

• Greg Boyd

What we know to be true often doesn't change us profoundly, but our experiences always leave a lasting impact. Each of us has a place within where we can meet the Lord during worship. When we practice the habit of vividly picturing Jesus during prayer and worship, this experience allows us to take on his glory and we're transformed more and more into his likeness.

The Diversity of Worship and Praise

• Greg Boyd

God delights in the praises of His people. The manner in which we worship is not important. God is only concerned with our hearts and desire to worship. There are many ways to express our love for God through praise and worship, and it is in this diversity that we see the full beauty of our God.

Entering Into His Presence

• Greg Boyd

To worship God is to reflect back to God how much he is worth to us. Our lives are an act of worship, including special times where we individually and corporately worship God. As we participate in worshipping the source of all life, love and beauty, we in turn are changed and transformed.

Dancing with God

• Greg Boyd

Our God is a great God! He is good, holy and worthy of praise. As followers of God, worship is a way of ascribing worth to God. It is expressing who God is and saying and singing what is true of him.


"I'm so thankful to have found the podcasts in the last couple of months! The Lord has really been using them to encourage me and my family! "

– Mindy, from Georgia