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Dancing with God

• Greg Boyd

Our God is a great God! He is good, holy and worthy of praise. As followers of God, worship is a way of ascribing worth to God. It is expressing who God is and saying and singing what is true of him.

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Our God is a great God! He is good, holy and worthy of praise. As followers of God, worship is a way of ascribing worth to God. It is expressing who God is and saying and singing what is true of him.

When referring to all things worship, the three most often mentioned terms are worship, praise and/or glory.
Worship is simply expressing who God is. Praise is thanking Him for what He has done. Glory, which includes both praise and worship, means we put God’s beauty on display. All three express what is true about God.

God is the source for all life and joy. We worship God because he is God (Psalm 118:28), he is worthy (Psalm 48:1), he is holy (Psalm 99:9) and he is good (Psalm 13:6, Psalm 103:2). To love the One who is the source of all love, life, joy and peace is to worship.

God desires for us to have abundant life! When we worship other things we are cutting ourselves off from the only source of true life. That is why we are commanded throughout the Bible (Exodus 34:14, Psalm 113:1, etc.) to worship God alone. When we discard everything else and solely worship God we are truly living the way God made us.

We were created and saved to praise God and reflect his glory. Like a dance, God takes the first step and pours his love and joy into us, and we take the next step and reflect it back to him. Worship is the way we dance with God. This is what we were made to do!

Worship is all about God. It’s not based on our worthiness, preferences, or singing abilities. God is only concerned with our hearts and desire to worship him. How we worship reflects his worth.

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Sermon Series: Dancing with God

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Focus Scripture:

  • I Chronicles 16: 29; Psaml 29: 2

    Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
    bring an offering and come before him.
    Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.
    Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
    worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.

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