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Oct 18 2015 • Greg Boyd, Seth McCoy

Spiritual formation happens to all of us. Dallas Willard writes that “Terrorists as well as saints are the outcome of spiritual formation. Their spirits or hearts have been formed.” The journey of Christian maturity involves an intentional life that is ordered, and a collaborative effort with God. Not everything we want is good, but we can learn and be formed to want Kingdom things more than anything else.

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Sermons in this series:

The People Who Shape Us

• Seth McCoy

In this sixth and last installment of the Formed series, Seth explores more in depth how ideas and identities we take upon our self that are not from God keep us from growing mature in the faith. God has provided the type of soil fertile for growth and He sees the potential in us as seeds. At the center of our calling is to mimic the type of soil Jesus has been to us by our love toward others. We are to be the type of soil where others will experience the Father’s love.

Topics: Disciplines, Grace, Holy Spirit

When Surprise Shows Up

• Greg Boyd

So why DO bad things happen to good people?! What IS God’s plan for overcoming evil, and why does it so often seem like evil is still winning?! Yes, God does have the power to take anything that Satan intends for evil and to work it to bring about good, but this is not work that God intends to do alone. He “comes alongside” us to “work all things for good”, but this is a process that requires OUR cooperation!

Topics: Faithfulness, God's Will, Power, Spiritual Warfare

The Practice of No

• Greg Boyd

In this installment of our Formed series, Greg Boyd explores the importance of the Practice of No in the life of Christian discipleship. The story of Elijah and his experience with God on Mount Horeb are the foundation of this sermon as Greg examines how God lives in the quiet in the midst of a world that keeps getting louder and more sensational. The discipline of simplicity is an important tool to learn how to keep our gaze focused on Jesus rather than constantly looking for more.

Topics: Disciplines, Presence of God, Simplicity

The Spirit of the Disciplines

• Seth McCoy

In this second installment of the Formed series, Seth explores what it is that holds us back as followers of Christ, or creates a gap between the person we want to be and know is inside of us and who actually are. We know that Jesus wants to give us an abundant life, but our reality is often one of spiritual scarcity and daily bondage to destructive ideas and behaviors. In this message we examine what it looks like to surrender our will and trust in our heavenly Father.

Topics: Discipleship, God's Will, Power


"Thank you for this ministry! It has transformed my life in some really radical ways. God has broken down so many barriers and exposed so many lies that have taken some serious burdens from my heart. It has given me hope, freedom and purpose I never could have imagined possible."

– Jenny, from Wisconsin