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Getting Real

Oct 24 2021 • Greg Boyd, Meghan Good, Osheta Moore

“You’re such a hypocrite!”

Few things frustrate us more than a person who is all show and no substance, and Jesus had quite a few things to say about the hypocrites of his day.

Jesus called the religious leaders hypocrites because they hid behind meaningless performances of self-righteousness. Their public displays of spirituality were really about judgment of others and approval for themselves, and not about the pursuit of an authentic relationship with God. In response, Jesus invited them to step out from behind their masks and get real before God.

Today, Jesus invites us to do the same, using the spiritual disciplines as tools toward heart change and authenticity. In this series we’ll see how disciplines like serving others and fasting enable us to get real before God.

Sermons in this series:

Imagine This

• Greg Boyd

The imagination plays a central role in the spirituality of most ancient people-groups. God is still speaking today in this way today, but we’ve lost the art of hearing because we don’t take our imagination seriously.

Topics: Discipleship, Imagination

10,000 Opportunities

• Osheta Moore

In this sermon, Osheta Moore offers a teaching on the practice of silence, or what she calls holy listening. Then, she offers a means for embracing this holy listening through the discipline of centering prayer.

Topics: Disciplines

When You Fast

• Dan Kent

What is fasting? Why should we do it? What does Jesus say about fasting? In this sermon, Dan Kent explores these questions, and wrestles with the practical implications of fasting in our world that is overcome by the pursuit of pleasure.

Topics: Disciplines

The Spiritual Practices of Jesus

• Meghan Good

Jesus’ life and ministry were characterized by prayer. Why did he pray as he did, and what does that tell us about why we should pray? In this sermon, Meghan Good explores this topic and helps us see the importance of spiritual practices to our life in God.

Topics: Discipleship, Prayer

What’s Your Story?

• Greg Boyd

In this introductory sermon to a new series on spiritual practices, Greg lays the foundation for why we embrace such practices by identifying narratives that undermine our adopting them, and proposing a biblical narrative that will naturally and organically compel us to make them part of our lives.

Topics: Discipleship, Identity in Christ


"It's been so supportive to have a journey group leader since 7th grade that I have made a lasting relationship with for 6 years. She has helped me grow in my faith and has been there to check in!"

– Laura, high school student