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Topic: Generosity

The Illusion of Self-Sufficiency

To the church of Laodicea, Jesus spoke harsh words of confrontation because they depended on wealth for their well-being, living under the illusion of self-sufficiency. In our modern world the pursuit of financial gain is a common illusory trap, one that tell us that it will serve as a foundation for our lives, but, in reality, it cannot be trusted. … Read More 

The Liturgy of Abundance

Scarcity drives common daily experiences in our world, yet God invites us to trust his ability to abundantly provide. In this sermon, Osheta Moore offers us a liturgy of abundance so that we can embrace God’s abundance in the midst of scarcity.

The Discipline of Giving

In this sermon, Greg addresses the nature of the rewards that we receive from investing in spiritual disciplines. He then speaks to how generosity is rewarded.

Get to Not Got to sermon title

Get to Not Got to

There are two fundamental hindrances to living generously as the New Testament teaches. The first is that of the wrong motivation. The common teaching in the church is that we give because we must follow the Old Testament law of the tithe. However, the New Testament provides a different motivation, one that empowers us to give freely. The second hindrance … Read More 

Finding Your Foothold

Generosity is a tricky subject because so many think it primarily relates to how much a person gives. However, God’s view of generosity is different. It is about learning to live in agape love where we are not doing what we do in order to get more from others, but in order to give and receive love in a community. … Read More 

Go and Do Likewise

Today Osheta summed up our sermon series on kingdom hospitality in light of the parable of the Good Samaritan, and we learned four vital steps to help us practice Kingdom Hospitality. 

Lessons in Hospitality

Hospitality has a unique meaning and application in the Kingdom of God. In this message, Greg continues our Kingdom hospitality series exploring Peter’s revelation in Acts 10 of who’s in and who’s out of the Kingdom. Through Christ, God has offered a giant bear hug to humanity with an invitation that all are welcome to enter. As followers of Jesus, … Read More 

Make Your Home in Me

In this second installment of our hospitality centered sermon series You Before Me, Shawna explores how welcoming the Other is not just a mindset, but also a condition of the heart. This continual welcoming and intentional making space for the Other in our lives can only happen when we have a surrendered heart that has first made space for God … Read More 

Getting Under God’s Skin

We kick off our new “You Before Me” series with a look at hospitality as the essence of God —  Making space in your life to love and welcome a stranger.

Generous Principles

In week three of our Nothing to Lose series Greg provides some guiding principles for living a life of generosity modeled after the example of the sacrifice and life of Jesus.

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"My counselor zeroed in on the root causes of my anxiety, explaining the mechanisms of why I was feeling the way I was, and what to do about it. She was very loving and compassionate and approached my situation with a technical mindset as well. A very rare combination."

– Lay Counseling participant