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Apr 08 2018 • David Morrow, Greg Boyd, Osheta Moore

Death. Not something most of us love talking about, but we have big questions. What happens to us after we die? How can we grapple with the inevitability of our own death? We’ll be judged after we die – what does that look like? How should that impact how we live here and now? So many questions!

It’s overwhelming…and if we’re honest, at least a little scary. During “Non-Perishable” we’re going to see what the Bible says about these big questions so we can have hope about this great unknown. Through the resurrection of Jesus, death holds no power over us. What would it look like if we lived every day like that was true? In the end, that’s a much bigger question.

Sermons in this series:

Judgment Seat of Christ

• Greg Boyd

In previous weeks we discussed the evidence that our consciousness persists in the interim stage between death and resurrection. But what exactly goes on there, before resurrection? Are we made perfect and pure enough to enter the kingdom instantly, or do we have to continue our growth in Christ?

Topics: Discipleship, Heaven, Hell, Transformation

Ripples of Heaven

• David Morrow

What is your conception of heaven? Is it a place to which you escape when you die? Something only for the future and not for the present? In the fourth week of our Non-Perishable sermon series, our friend David Morrow explores the idea of heaven as the coming Kingdom in which we participate here and now, and the eternal Emmanuel – God with us.

Topics: Heaven, Kingdom of God, Salvation

Rest In Peace

• Osheta Moore

In this third sermon in our Non-Perishable series, guest speaker Osheta Moore shares how anxiety and fear surrounding death can be overcome through looking to Christ, who shared in our death.

Topics: Heaven, Hope, Sacrifice

Between Death and Resurrection

• Greg Boyd

This is the second message in our series “Non-Perishable”, where we’re exploring death from a Kingdom perspective. This week, Greg explains the evidence for life after death, why Heaven may not be what we thought, and how to gain a more beautiful picture of life after death. Greg played a song during his message, you can find that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekZ187l-Vn8

Topics: Fear, Heaven, Hope, Imagination, Pain & Suffering, Resurrection

Facing The Grim Reaper

• Greg Boyd

In our new series entitled 'Non-Perishable' we start by exploring why death is such a foreign concept in our culture, and why having a proper perspective on it is so important for our theology and life in the present age. Confusing the works of Satan with the works of God can have tragic consequences to our worldview and interpretations of what comes to pass in our lives, including death.

Topics: Free Will, God's Will, Heaven, Kingdom of God


"I have battled anxiety for years, searching for something to help me overcome fear. I believe that through your sermons, I have found truth and I am more convinced of the extravagant love of God than ever. I finally feel like I am on the journey out of the darkness."

– Amanda, from Nebraska