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Feb 05 2017 • Brianna Millett, Greg Boyd, Sandra Unger

So many of us are overwhelmed by things that keep us from living the life God wants for us. We struggle with things like fear, insecurity, addictions, rejection, lack of trust, and unforgiveness. But through the power of the Spirit and with help from others, we can tear down these strongholds. It requires the hard work of retraining our thoughts and behaviors, but we can be free!

Sermons in this series:

Fear and Control

• Sandra Unger

Fear is part of the journey in this life, but for many, fear is consuming. As a result, it serves as a roadblock that keeps us from entering into what God has for our lives. God provides a way for us to move beyond fear and into a life of love. This is possible not because we have a guarantee that everything will work out as we wish, but because, even in the midst of the ups and downs of life, we know that God's love is greater than the fearful circumstance we face.

Topics: Calling, Fear, Love


• Greg Boyd

In the Kingdom of God freedom is an end in of itself. It is part of our nature as created beings to be free and not be ruled over by one another, any agent in the spiritual realm, or by substances or behavior patterns. For many people addiction is one of the key stumbling blocks that perpetuates cycles of shame, hiding, and a lack of fullness of life. In this message Greg explores what lies at the heart of all addictions, substance or otherwise, and how we go about untangling ourselves from their grip so we can step into the full life that God desires us to have.  

Topics: Community, Hope, Identity in Christ


• Brianna Millett

This is the fourth week in our Overwhelmed sermon series. Today we discussed the challenge of unforgiveness and resentment. Brianna suggests that living out of a false identity can be perhaps the greatest source of our struggle to extend forgiveness to ourselves or to others. The way to freedom from our unforgiveness is to remember the truth of who we are in Christ, and to be transformed more fully into our true identity by being transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Topics: Forgiveness, Identity in Christ, Kingdom of God, Transformation


• Greg Boyd

In the second week of our Overwhelmed series Greg unpacks the topic of shame. We begin by looking at the origin of shame in Genesis 3; what shame is and where it comes from. Next we look at how God defeats shame on the cross and welcomes us to live shame-free lives through His unconditional love.  

Topics: Identity in Christ, Judgment, Love

The True You

• Greg Boyd

This initial sermon in our Overwhelmed series was a foundational message about the root of everything that holds us back. God has designed us to have power over our brain and our thought life and it is our responsibility to be disciples of our brain. We must fight against the cultural lies of our world by daily renewing our mind by focusing on who God says we are.   Here is a link for the video that we played before the teaching.

Topics: Faith, Fear, Forgiveness


"My counselor emailed me the True You sermon from your Overwhelmed series to help me believe who God says I am, which was a game changer for sure."

– MK, from Arizona