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Scandalous Love

Mar 16 2010 • Greg Boyd, Scott Boren

Unfortunately, we often think of God as distant, controlling and punishing. Even though the Bible states that “God is love,” even many in the church are trapped by images and thoughts about God that are less than loving. The truth is, he seeks a love relationship with us. As followers of this God, we need to know and receive his “scandalous” love. This seven week adventure series will open up your imagination to experience God for who he really is, and realize that he is passionately in love with us!

Update: We didn’t finish the series in seven weeks; check out the follow-up sermons in the Can’t Stop the Love series!

Downloadable Series Booklet

Downloadable Leader Guide

Sermons in this series:

Empowering Love

• Greg Boyd

We, as Jesus followers, are called to reflect God’s love in this world. We are to live lives of love, as imitators of God. We are to do everything in love and live in the unity of love with other Christ followers.

Topics: Identity in Christ, Love

Returning Love

• Scott Boren

God's love for us is overwhelming! But that's not the whole story. As we receive God's love we are able to return that love to God and others.

Topics: Love, Transformation

Burning Love

• Greg Boyd

God’s desire for us is that we become all that God created us to be. Life is the process in which we can resist or yield to God’s desire for us. When we yield we sense God’s burning love as warm and liberating. When we resist we experience God’s burning love as pain and wrath.

Topics: Love, Pain & Suffering

Victorious Love

• Greg Boyd

God’s love is victorious! But perhaps not in the way that you’d expect. We often associate victory with our ability to control or defeat others but God’s victory encourages our freedom rather than squelches it. (We love discovering art that connects us to God in unique ways. Thank you to Dale Johnson for incorporating his art into this weekend's sermon.)

Topics: Love, Power, Sacrifice

Covenantal Love

• Greg Boyd

The love of God expressed in Christ on the cross shows the radical lengths God is willing to go to restore us. This healing of our relationship with God takes the form of a covenant, not a contract.

Topics: Covenant, Love, Sacrifice

God Is Love

• Greg Boyd

The love of God expressed in Christ on the cross was “foolishness to the Gentiles” and “a stumbling block to the Jews”. God’s love is scandalous to us all in different ways.

Topics: Love, Power

Love Is…

• Greg Boyd

It is impossible to fully grasp God's love because it is infinite! The best we can do is humbly recognize our limitations in this way and give ourselves over to the overwhelming love that God extends to us.

Topics: Love, Sacrifice


"Thank you all the way from Oregon. I deeply appreciate being shepherded by Pastor Greg and everyone else on the panels. You are a rare find in the church nowadays. Tackling tough questions with humility and a kingdom perspective. It has been life changing for me in such tumultuous times."

– Heather, from Oregon