When You Pray
Jan 02 2022 • Cedrick Baker, Greg Boyd, Tara Beth Leach
Jesus taught that prayer was essential to our life with God, and the very heart of how we move through the world. He said to his disciples “When you pray…do these things.” Jesus didn’t say “If you pray…” or “On those occasions you happen to think about prayer…” He wanted his followers to know that the practice of prayer is indispensable, not a nice add-on. In this series, we will explore how we can weave prayer into all aspects of our lives, and how it helps us transform the world around us!
Sermons in this series:
In this sermon Tara Beth Leach shares about the importance of corporate prayer and how it impacts our lives in a culture that is shaped by individualism.
Topics: Community,
What does it mean to pray that God won’t bring us to times of trial and to be rescued from the evil one? Greg explores the answers to this question and how it applies to our daily lives.
Topics: Prayer,
Spiritual Warfare,
Jesus teaches about the importance of forgiving others who have done us harm, even saying that the Father will not forgive us if we don’t forgive. What does this mean? Why is forgiveness so important? How do we practice it? These are questions that Greg explores in this crucial sermon for our times.
Topics: Forgiveness,
The Lord teaches us to ask for the Father’s provision of our daily bread. What does this mean in our modern culture where we are taught to take care of ourselves? This sermon by Cedrick Baker seeks to address this question.
Topics: Disciplines,
Continuing the “When You Pray” series, Greg opens this teaching on the Lord’s Prayer by discussing the analogical nature of the way that the New Testament authors wrote.
Topics: Prayer,
Why do prayers go unanswered if God is all-powerful? This sermon seeks to answer this question in a way that lines up with the character of God revealed in Jesus.
Topics: Prayer,
Spiritual Warfare
What is the purpose of petitionary prayer? In this sermon, Greg seeks to answer this question by showing how prayer is a means of partnering with God to join our will with God’s.
Topics: Prayer,
Presence of God,
Spiritual Warfare