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Summer Get-Together 2022

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Save the date for our Summer Get-Together! Over the weekend on August 12, 13 and 14 we’ll be holding 3 special events. It’ll be a weekend of fun & fellowship, and we hope to see everyone there! Coming in from out of town? Let us know!

Friday, August 12 – Q&A

We’ll have a “free-for-all” Q&A starting at 7pm! Topics can include anything Woodland, our ministries, history, Theology, etc.! Send your questions head of time to info@whchurch.org, or text to 651-321-3030 – we will not be taking live questions.

After the Q&A, we’ll have dessert & coffee, some mingling time & books for sale. Greg should be sticking around, and will be happy to sign anything he’s written!

For the kids, we’ll be showing Despicable Me. If you’ll be bringing kids, so that we can be best prepared, please let us know by filling out this form!

Saturday, August 13 – Music Fest

Join us on the front lawn of Woodland from 5-8pm for Music Fest!

We’ll have live music from Greg’s band, Not Dead Yet, plus The Mighty Revivals and MEMEME.

There will also be fun for kids, like bubbles and lawn games – not to mention freezies! Melz’ Authentic & Fresh Food Truck will be back to keep you from getting hungry, plus other food options.

Sunday, August 14 – All-Church Baptism

On Sunday, join us for our All-Church Baptism after the service! We’ll meet on the front lawn at about 11:30am. Join us as we celebrate our brothers and sisters who will be taking this important step in their faith!

Building Tours

We will be hosting some tours of the Woodland Hills building for those interested in seeing how it’s laid out, what areas are dedicated to partner ministries, etc.!

Current tour times:
Friday, August 12 after the Q&A (~8pm)
Sunday, August 14 before the service (~9:30am) 

If you’re interested, please register for a time here!

Remember to let us know if you’ll be traveling from out of town. We can’t wait to share this weekend with you all! wh-bug

4 thoughts on “Summer Get-Together 2022

  1. Christine says:

    Dear woodlands hill,
    Will the question and answer session be online on Friday 12th Augustat 7 pm ?

    1. Emily says:

      Hi Christine,
      Yes, the Q&A will be both live-streamed and posted online afterward
      —Emily from Communications Team

      1. Christine says:


  2. Pam says:

    I volunteered at the Woodland Hills bookstore for the first hour and a half of the Music Fest on Saturday and I’ll tell you, it was a really blessed experience for me. Jodi Cremers was there helping me to understand the new credit card readers and Charlie Swanson came along to talk with Jodi. Then they both chatted with me a bit before leaving to take care of other things. A little bit later Dan Kent came running over with some of his Confident Humility books and workbooks for the bookstore and was concerned that the price marker was nowhere to be seen since none of his books had been on the racks. So, he went looking for one somewhere else and soon came back with one as Jodi was also heading back. He asked her why his book was reduced from 15 to 10 dollars and Jodi said that they’re trying to clear everything out. He said to me, “Well, just tell people that we’re selling it more humbly than confidently right now.” 🙂 A little later a young Asian American woman and her little girl came over and she grabbed one of Dan’s books and asked if I thought he would sign it. I lent her a pen and said that if she could find him, he probably would. She also bought the workbook and one of Greg Boyd’s books. As she was heading out Greg was coming in and she asked him to sign his book, which he did. Then Greg went looking for his wife. Some of his band members headed in and out of the men’s room during the next few minutes. Then Greg came over to me asking what I was doing there. I told him I was doing the bookstore. He thanked me for volunteering and said they should make an announcement about it. I told him that Jodi said they were going to at some point. The Asian American woman came back to give me back the pen she had borrowed. I asked her if she had found Dan and she hadn’t but she said she’d probably see him at the service the next day. It was quiet for a bit and then Janice Rohling came along rolling a couple a garbage cans through the Gathering Area to bring outside by the stage. That’s how you know this is a great church – when you see the Executive Pastor handling the garbage! Then they announced that stuff was on sale at the bookstore and a few people started coming in. Jodi came back to help in case it got busy. Anyway, it was so much like a nice, informal family atmosphere. I’ve been going to Woodland for 25 years and it has always been this way. Jesus is definitely there! 🙂

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